RKPY has a program that meets your needs whether it’s gentle, basic level yoga, chair yoga, or sessions with chakra-balancing crystals.
Private Yoga for couples or individuals
Personalized weekly yoga sessions in your home, at a time that meets your scheduling needs. Sessions are tailored and sequenced to your comfort level and ability, with an emphasis on gentle and restorative yoga. Props such as bolsters, blocks, straps and blankets are utilized to modify poses as needed for individualized attention and differentiation.
Private yoga Chair Sessions
Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be done sitting on a chair or standing on the ground while using the chair for support. It is beneficial for people with limited mobility and for those who have difficulty traveling up and down on the mat. Excellent for seniors, stroke survivors, and persons with multiple sclerosis.
Private Yoga Sessions With Crystals for Aligning Chakras and Tarot Readings
Certified in Chakra Therapeutics and with over twenty years experience reading the tarot, Renee brings her special gifts to this offering that can be scheduled as a two hour session or included as part of a series package. Includes ninety minutes of restorative yoga, with each pose and crystal placement targeting a specific chakra. After your chakras are balanced and your mind, body and spirit are renewed from the yoga practice, you will receive a thirty minute tarot reading that can be generalized guidance or support for a specific question. Leave this session feeling incredibly relaxed and at peace, with a deeper spiritual insight into your life.
Children sessions
Children’s yoga is a great way to get kids moving in a way that is meaningful and engaging! With over a decade of experience teaching creative movement to children and teens, Renee will bring a combination of child-friendly yoga games, poses, stories, and breathing techniques to your home and will work with your children to develop greater body awareness, self-respect, gratitude and compassion.
Renee Kroeker Private Yoga is a therapeutic practice that promotes well-being through gentle and restorative yoga in the comfort and privacy of your own home.